Impact on fire service

Studies show that performance can suffer during high-stress situations, but extensive training or "overlearning" can help automate appropriate responses and lessen the chance that firefighters will suffer from situational stress. The visual aids of the multimedia platform, computerized touch technology, and other interactive features of ALIVE will help firefighters (particularly newer and future generations of firefighters) effectively understand and implement new, safer firefighting techniques to tackle modern fires, and simultaneously provide training feedback to fire departments and decision-makers.

In addition to these benefits, ALIVE has further potential as an ancillary training technique. Successful firefighter training rests on three legs: knowledge acquisition, training on tactics and procedures, and development of hands-on skills. The ALIVE platform can take over the knowledge acquisition component, as well as portions of the tactical and procedural training operations, thereby freeing trainers to focus their time on hands-on skill development training. Additionally, ALIVE will reduce the logistical requirements of instructor-led didactic presentations, while mitigating the stress on staffing levels inherent in conducting large-scale training sessions. An initial investment in this broad-based dissemination model, that has the ability to ensure competency and to meet continuing education requirements, will serve a nationwide audience and reduce strain on individual department training budgets. The benefits to society include better firefighting response to fires, lower fatalities and injuries to both firefighters and civilians, and reduction in property damage and loss.

With the support from AFG Program, we have released several ALIVE training modules (listed below) addressing variety of issues in fire service. These were in collaboration with fire departments from across the US, both career and volunteer, including urban and wildland departments, as well as with prominent subject matter experts (SMEs), and advised by Study Advisory Panels that included leadership of national fire service organizations, and major fire departments.

✓ Modern Fire Dynamics

✓ Residential Fires

✓ Fires in Lightweight structures

✓ Wind-Driven High-Rise Fires

✓ Fire Scenarios

✓ Improving Cardiac Health

✓ Wildland Fire Behavior & Size-up

✓ Wildland IAP & Operational Briefing

✓ Wildland Fire Scenarios