In ALIVE, evidence-based firefighting strategies are divided into a series of steps. At each step, information / research data is presented in the form of text, images, and video of a real scenario, audio of a real communication, etc. The subsequent sections provide step-by-step, just-in-time learning, as firefighters respond to real-life situations or simulated fire scenarios using the intervention options provided by ALIVE. These options are representative of what those firefighters would have to consider when facing a real fire. Each chosen option dynamically alters the scenario and logically routes the participant down a different path with new conditions that require further decisions to be made. Once an identifiable, multi-step sub-task has been completed, the user is presented with the result of his or her choice, as well as an explanation of why the choice was correct or incorrect. As the training content of ALIVE is produced and reviewed by subject matter experts, quality and consistency of the information being delivered is maintained for all users. The system is also designed to allow the user to loop recursively through the scenario to see where errors were made until the user understands and identifies the optimum response to a particular situation, while providing relevant information necessary for making appropriate decisions at different points. In this way, ALIVE's interactive design allows firefighters to effectively learn from their mistakes and aids in enhancing retention and the ability to respond in time-critical, high-stress situations.
Delivered over the internet, ALIVE can be accessed at work or at home, and offers convenient online training on all topics in a cost-effective manner. Due to the visual aids of the multimedia platform, computerized touch technology, and other features of ALIVE, firefighters (particularly newer and future generations of firefighters) from different parts of the nation and the world will effectively and rapidly learn new techniques, skills, and procedures, thereby increasing their safety. In addition, participant's responses are automatically saved to a database, thereby making it practical to track training material usage levels, monitor performance, and identify clusters of problems to be addressed via subsequent training.