YouTube channel
Vimeo channel
Deployment of curtain on TV news
Briefing at Governor's Island Burns
Burns in NYC, 1972
Burns in NYC, 2008
Flames pulsing out of window due to wind
Study featured on cover page of ASME magazine
Burn experiment at Governor's Island, 2008
Curtain deployment in real fire at NYC
FDNY truck with curtain
FDNY truck with high-rise nozzle
FDNY truck with PPV fans
Tools for fighting wind-driven high-rise fires
Fire at Vandalia Avenue, 1998
Before and after curtain deployment
Curtain deployment
Effectiveness of PPV
Presentation at FDNY symposium
James J. Johnston Memorial medal recipients
Fighting wind-driven high-rise fires with science
High-rise nozzle
Governor's Island burn experiment
Building for burn at Governor's Island